Moderator Application

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Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please make sure you copy and paste your steam64ID & profile link. (Failing this is a failed application)
You will be Direct Messaged if you are accepted
Have you ever been a squad Moderator or Admin Before?
Do you require Battle Metrics Training?
Do you agree to actively Seed aswell as becoming part of the Moderator Team?*
Do you agree that only senior Admins can access admin camera roles?
We are a Global Community, Do you agree to get along with other moderators/Admins from all over the world?
Where are you Located?
Terms and Agreement
In checking the box above, you agree and confirm that all fields you have filled are true and accurate. You acknowledge that your mod/admin role may be revoked in the future.

You will be contacted via Private Message on Discord if you are Accepted.

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